Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Deron Williams (More)

Deron Williams Mix-Talkin 2 Myself

Deron Williams - Last Of A Dying Breed


April 2011

April 2012

last painting

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have
known defeat, known struggle, known loss, and have find their way
out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation. a sensitivity,
and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness,
and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."
bad picture, but burned edges and going to frame it


One of my favorite people ever--look him up
twitter: a8_yes
youtube: spiderman206

A8yes (Peter Pan)



Nate Robinson's State Of Nate, Episode 8: Little Giants

Greenbriar, TN 2012

Nate Robinson's State of Nate, Episode 9: Shout out!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cinco De Mayo Celebration

Quesdilla and Tijuana Cadillac's


" Dont get confused between my Personality & my Attitude. My Personality is who I am, my Attitude depends on who you are." 2Pac

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The drugs that haunt us

OC 80s
Oxycontin 80 mg


Roxycodone 30mg

Suboxone tablets:
Buprenorphine 8mg / Naloxone 2mg

Methadone tablets.
Black tar heroin.
Black Tar Heroin

Tools of the trade
More tools of the trade.
Roxys ready to shoot

The above pictures are of the drugs that have or are affecting all of us in some way. The thoughts of the future are torturing me. Im in fear of losing someone extremely close to me. I think I will be blessed if he makes it through another year; i've watched lives be ruined and people die from this already... In saying that.... Ive been on both sides of this drug-around a dealer and around an abuser. The reason that this drug is such an epidemic is complicated not easy to fix. There is a huge loophole in the system of doctors, prescriptions, and what the law says.

Im sure most of us remember the crack epidemic in the 80's. It was cheap, wasy to make, highly addictive, and readily available. However, it was an illegal drug-so if you got busted with that you went to jail and life goes on.... It didnt take long for law enforcement to get it under control.

Well the problem with this is...It is NOT an illegal drug. All you need is a prescription. Dealers literally go to the doctor or pay someone to go to the doctor (pain clinic) and get them. Its literally that easy. There are hundreds of these pain clinics everywhere they prescribe these drugs-many dealers even pay off the doctors to come back with flawed MRI scans and to prescribe more then recommended. Pain clinics are routinely shut down for some type of mal-practice or many other reason because the government is aware of what is going on. I drove by one in Knoxville once that had at least 200 people standing outside waiting to get in. A week later the same clinic was shut down and reopened across town. Many dealers and addicts travel from state to state to go to different clinics to get more pills.
The dealers tend to refill there old prescription bottles with whoever went in for them. And they can travel with as many of these bottles as they want full of these pills and no one can do anything because---its prescribed. Then they generally get a middle man to sale them.

So if you pay 200 dollars for a prescription of 30 plus 100 for the doctors visit. thats 10 bucks a pill. Then you can turn around and resell those pills at 30 or 40 bucks each- thats a 1000 profit. Most dealers have multiple prescriptions or access to them. 30 pills in this area is easily sold in a few hours. Dealers from Florida, South Carolina, etc come to Tennessee often to sale them. The prescriptions are much easier to get their then here. There are thousands of these dealers. They find a connection here. Generally an addict-addicts hang with addicts. So they befriend one that they think they can trust...Hence the middle man. They will give them a few pills for free or give them a cut in the profit. Then the dealers screw themselves by telling the addict how they get these pills.... Then the addict gets their own prescription.

The above are the pictures of what they are selling (roxys and oxys) however roxys are much more popular now. They put a gelling agent into the oxys now. So snorting them makes them gel up-which causes the addict to have to snort water to get it down, which kills the effect, this of course after it takes them almost an hour to be able to sand the pill down because of the gelling agent makes it much more durable. And shooting it up is impossible. So, Roxys it is. Many milligram types. Snortable, smokeable, and shootable. Easy to get, easy to use. User friendly.

The methadone and sumboxon are used my addicts as a substitute for when they are out-dont have enough money for them or whatever. Essentially putting a band aid on a bigger problem. Eases the withdraw effects, but are also addictive in their own right.

The black tar heroin is up there because....These pills are opiates. The same exact drug that is in heroin. However has been reported as being more addictive then heroin.

The man I know on it now takes up to 10-30mg a day--thats actually down from the 15 to 20 he was snorting. At least he was only snorting.....most of his addict "friends" shoot them. EVERYONE he deals with does them, all his coworkers..this shit is everywhere. He is a shell of the man I knew a short 2 years ago. This is all his life involves and all he cares to talk about because this is all he has done everyday since the last day we spoke. I know all of the "secrets" of this scary world. The saddest part to deal with is the fact that he has no desire whatsoever to stop. He has an excuse for every reason to keep using. Even on his way to get his own prescription to save money---excuse. He is convinced he wouldnt be as good at his job without it. Even after I reminded him he wasnt on them when he was at his best. He has lost everything he ever had quickly--include his pride and dignity. He is such an amazing person in so many ways. Such a waste of a good person. He is a slave to this drug now.

As I type this right now he is going through withdraws. As he was on his way to get the scrip with his drug dealer they got pulled over. The cops took the drugs and money and the dealer back to the jail house and let him go. Now he has nothing to get him by. It was all the money he had. I lived through these withdraws with him before, but this time seems way more intense. That probably has something to do with the fact that his body is use to 220 more milligram then last time. Its only day number 1 1/2, he still has 3 more days before he gets paid.

I stayed with him last night. I dont think he really wanted to be alone. His body jerked all night. Uncontrollable strong muscle spasms. Nauseous all morning. Took him to breakfast. He couldnt eat at all. Right now his joints hurt so bad he can barely walk to the restroom. His knees, Elbows, wrist, and hips hurt so bad if he could figure out how to rip them off he would- constant groans of pain. Its heartbreaking. He cant wait to figure out how to get his hands on another one just to stop the pain. Even talking out loud about what he could sale to get money. The only thing he has left is clothes and books and he knows exactly where to go to sell both. He will never make it 3 more days. The hell with 3 days. The effects of these drugs can last 3 years and the addiction battle lasts a lifetime.

I will not walk into this darkness with him. All I can do is stay in the light and hope he comes to me. Hoping at some point maybe he will see that he had an amazing life before these drugs, maybe it will give him reason to at least think about stopping

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Friends Tattoo

Totally Love
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Funny_Pictures_8802 (2).jpg

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This totally makes sense---Average Penis size by country

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In case you can't read it:
"I'm in, I'm totally in, I just need a Leeetle more time to see what else is out there"
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I so Looove This Cartoon

(print image)

His Airness and Scottie Pippen

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Also in the middle of a new book by Tyrese Gibson

How To Get Out Of Your Own Way... but it was a little to real for me--so I read it in parts lol

Started a new book this week about Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

So far so good... Check it out
"Furious Love"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Truth like Art is in the eye of the beholder..... You believe what you choose and I'll believe what I know

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I guess this tells what happened wit Ciara?

"My Mistake"

My Mistake
One day a long time ago
I made an awful mistake.
Why, I just don't know
but it's caused a lot of heartache.
I was so angry and so scared
I didn't know what to do.
Now you think that I never cared
and now I have lost you.
I don't know how I could hurt you so bad
I loved you with all of my heart.
Now we are both alone and sad
because I have torn us apart.


 I am not the smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going, and going, and going. - Sylvester StalloneTraining in Rocky IVSly as Rambosylvester-stallone-in-shape-the-expendables

44 already.......I remember when he was 18--geez

Actually he's 44.....this was originally posted in July
Will Smith and Jaden Smith Picture 40Will Smith Picture 6

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This makes Me happy!



 Thu 28 vs Phoenix      TNT 8:30pm   
 Sun 31 @ Oklahoma City  NBATV 5:00pm   

and with that image comes......

YAY! Relief

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bow Wow puttin in his thoughts about racism

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Not Fair" by Shad Moss

Usually i always try to keep my mouth closed because the media tend to take my words and twist them up. I cannot go on no more with out speaking up. So i'm letting it out. People say racism does not exist anymore, Martin Luther resolved that problem. True to a certain extent, but what type of world do you think we live in? look around better yet i'll help you understand. The system say's we can sell cigs to 18 yr old kids (Which is killing them) but we can't wear our clothes the way WE want. Key word "Our" (African American style) its like they tryna take everything from us that we created when every one else follows what we do anyway. So your saying its ok to kill our kids of the future early by selling them that trash? analyze this, Lady Ga Ga wears the craziest clothes ever. I seen a pic of her walking through an airport with nothing on!! NOTHING! if you didn't know who she was you would have thought she was homeless but she doesn't get arrested. Now let that had been a black homeless lady barley clothed looking for a place for shelter police would have been surrounded by her and escorted her out. Again, Lindsay Lohan goes to jail, violated her terms gets thrown in jail, but gets right out in days. SNL is letting her now host (im sure to spoof her situation) but in reality its glorifying what she did. Wayne is in jail now over a gun that wasn't his nor could they prove it was. So why is Lil wayne there? hmmm....... think about that. Why is there a liquor store in every black community? I live in Both Miami and ATL. Let me tell you Gwinett county looks nothing like the south side or the city of ATL. We filmed "Lottery Ticket" in the projects in downtown ATL. Those apartments are now knocked down. They took away all public housing to move the inner city way out to shit they know they cant afford which leaves my people with no homes. They wanna know why we rob why kill each other why we fight over turf. They call us a menace to society, but thats because the system treats the inner city as if we don't exist. There are no library's, no malls (if so they are ran down with the worst stores) Landscaping sucks. Theres no hope. Plant opportunity's around us. Upgrade our schools, How can WE care if the world we live in don't. I have Rich friends that have never ben pass Turner field and never seen the hood before but listen to gucci mane and yo gotti all day. Raps they shit but has never seen that world they rap about. Why as a race are we still the victim. Vick goes to jail for dog fighting. Big ben (Quarterback for Steelers) had not 1 but like 2 Sexual assault cases on him he doesn't go to jail, instead the commissioner of the league gave him 6 week game suspension which was later reduced to like a 4 game suspension. You see... Same situations different kinds of people. All we want is for everything to be equal. Will there ever be peace? i guess when you die. I swear take the time to notice the little things that go on in the world. I can honestly say my 23 yrs on this earth, i have yet to see something that is fair from our system. GOD BLESS

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I realize I wrote and posted this a few weeks ago, but in the light of the recent events...its seems a little more surreal now...

I'm restless again...
.you've got that feeling creeping back in.
 I hate this feeling. Uncontrol of myself. 
You found the only crack in my armor
keep seeping yourself in 
only at the most convenient times
You come and go 
 I'm unsure of what to do
I swallowed my pride and gave you my soul
Oh how lucky you are, thats something I'd never generally do

I've got to get back on track. 
I was doin so good too. 
I really don't want to feel like I have to hide about this again. 
I need a release.
 The workouts aren't doing their jobs anymore. 
Drinking to forget instead of enjoyment. 
Writing has begun to bore me. 
Painting is hard with no thoughts or drive. 
I can't sleep. 
My skin is a mess from this stress.
The anxiety is back....yet again...

Constant torture-
-continuous thoughts of what I can't control or change-
-the waiting is unbearable.
 I just wish I was sure of what this wait was for.
My life is on pause. To be continued.
 Constant pressure.
 I wish something would come along to occupy me. 
Occupy and entertain my thoughts.
Nothing seems to work.
There must be a reason for this.

Fear of the future.
Forgiving the past.
Heavy on my shoulders.
I feel like someone is following me.
I shouldn't have to watch my back.
I know your ass is coming before I ever see you
I'm so completely sure this isn't normal.
I shouldn't feel like this.

My emotions are raging.
From one scale to the next.
Don't stand so close,
I might snap your neck.
It's not my fault
I cant control it.
I'm  a total reckless mess.

How is this possible 
I don't understand it.
It just isn't me to not be in control of it.
The pleasure and the pain inflicted over this.
I'm positive your part of my past.
Way back when,
before the brutality of this new world,
before the electronics, maybe before the shiny cars
before the slave hangings, before the oil on the shore.
I know you to well to not know that.
This is the only thing I am sure of.

Go back to your homeland
make a new life there
your to close for my comfort
you just cant stay here
I'll buy you a ticket 
rent you a boat
you torture me
go far the fuck away
so I can get back to being me

I didnt sell my soul to the devil
this shit don't seem fair
I could totally pretend
pretend I never met your ass
If only you didnt scream my name
making sure I never forget your ass.
No chance of that happening 
I can assure you of that.

You make my skin crawl
pupils dilate
nostrils flaring
my stomach gets upset
I break out in cold sweats
nerves start jumping
hands start shaking
Can't you see your unhealthy for me
I know you dont want to do that to me

I pretend you have the same symptoms
it makes me feel like we relate
Sometimes its not pretending
I can see it in your ......wait......
all that bobbin and weavin
and lookin over shoulders
the constant stares but so quick to look away
you damn well know I see you
the jittery hands and constant movement
the shine on your face
dilated pupils and ......
me knowing every move your going to make

go away 
 relieve me from my restlessness
keep your voice out of my armor
I dont want to wait until next Summer
I dont want to be your friend
not even your homey
dont even want to see you face
your not prepared for me

as much as I complain and wish you'd disappear
the only time my soul is alive is when you stand near me
so completely alive again, never thought that was possible
I'm aware of my life again 
my feelings have been numbed from a disastrous life
your job is done here.....
so when's the next flight

Tweet from: @iHateKatStacks

From: @iHateKatStacks
Sent: Sep 14, 2010 12:46a

Everytime I see you I fall in a deeper hole, the way you make me feel is one in a million.

sent via mobile web

On Twitter:
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Libra horoscope for Sep 5 2010 by DailyHoroscope (

A giant, nearly 65-carat emerald was recently found on an old family farm in rural North Carolina. Once the stone was cut and polished it was, of course, much smaller, but was still the largest emerald ever found in the United States. And not only was it large, its rich, deep green color was quite rare as well. In fact, with its impressive size and extraordinary quality, it was compared to the crown jewels that belonged to Catherine the Great. You may soon discover something truly wonderful and astonishing where you would least expect it, if only you are willing to keep your eyes open and expect the unexpected.
Copyright (c) DailyHoroscope.
Download it now --
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

a few rules

A few rules.

1.Never stop thinking. This is important. If someone ever says to you ‘You need to stop thinking so much,’ call them ignorant in your head and keep thinking deeper. It is this mentality that breeds stupidity and sheeple. Your mind is the most important tool you have, if you stop using it, it will atrophy. Question everything.
2. Stare into space blankly and don’t mentally punish yourself for doing it, even if it is for that split second. If you have a problem with staring blankly, think of it as daydreaming.

3. Root Beer sucks after having spicy food.

4. Everything is going to be just fine. If you worry about acne, you’re going to get a fucking pimple.

5. Don’t be afraid to talk about anything. You shouldn’t be afraid of reality.

6. Everyone is a hypocrite.

7. You are all original. Every life experience is case sensitive and unique. Every time you wake up or go to the bathroom or quote someone else, you are becoming more you than anyone has ever been.

8. Do pointless things. Don’t actively restrain or hide yourself from the redundant.

9. Stop rushing. Shut up and embrace the sound of silence.

10. Religion shouldn’t be taught, it should be found. No one should tell you what to believe except you. And while were on the subject…

11. Don’t be restrained by one religion. People change every moment of everyday. Minds grow and evolve. Religion has no law so feel free to mix and match. Make your own.

12. Going to the bathroom is not a right nor a privilege. it’s an act of nature.

13. Talking to yourself is healthy. Is there anyone that you have more in common with?

14. There is no such thing as time. The sun never sets or rises. Days and years don’t exist. There is only your life. Earlier today you were born and death is predicted later in the evening.

15. We will always be in a transitional phase. Look outside and know that everything will be replaced at some point. This existence is temporary.

16. Its not half empty or half full. Its half a glass.

17. Every now and then take something that you see everyday and try to see it in a different light. Renew its existence.

18. Be happy, but don’t force it.

19. You will always succeed in trying.

20. We are all crazy. Every person you read about in the history books had some kind of ‘disorder’, they just knew how to use it.

21. We are all about as similar as we are different.

22. Ideas are just as valuable as people. Why do you think we keep making people?

87. Numbers don’t have to go in order.

24. Words will always be just words. Love is just another four letter word, only the feeling is real.

25. Ask a child for advice. They may not know much, but they know what is important.

26. Prove you’re alive. Do anything from dancing in the supermarket to screaming ‘Fuck’ during a moment of silence. Remind the world you are still here.

27. Don’t take anything, even this, too seriously.