Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The drugs that haunt us

OC 80s
Oxycontin 80 mg


Roxycodone 30mg

Suboxone tablets:
Buprenorphine 8mg / Naloxone 2mg

Methadone tablets.
Black tar heroin.
Black Tar Heroin

Tools of the trade
More tools of the trade.
Roxys ready to shoot

The above pictures are of the drugs that have or are affecting all of us in some way. The thoughts of the future are torturing me. Im in fear of losing someone extremely close to me. I think I will be blessed if he makes it through another year; i've watched lives be ruined and people die from this already... In saying that.... Ive been on both sides of this drug-around a dealer and around an abuser. The reason that this drug is such an epidemic is complicated not easy to fix. There is a huge loophole in the system of doctors, prescriptions, and what the law says.

Im sure most of us remember the crack epidemic in the 80's. It was cheap, wasy to make, highly addictive, and readily available. However, it was an illegal drug-so if you got busted with that you went to jail and life goes on.... It didnt take long for law enforcement to get it under control.

Well the problem with this is...It is NOT an illegal drug. All you need is a prescription. Dealers literally go to the doctor or pay someone to go to the doctor (pain clinic) and get them. Its literally that easy. There are hundreds of these pain clinics everywhere they prescribe these drugs-many dealers even pay off the doctors to come back with flawed MRI scans and to prescribe more then recommended. Pain clinics are routinely shut down for some type of mal-practice or many other reason because the government is aware of what is going on. I drove by one in Knoxville once that had at least 200 people standing outside waiting to get in. A week later the same clinic was shut down and reopened across town. Many dealers and addicts travel from state to state to go to different clinics to get more pills.
The dealers tend to refill there old prescription bottles with whoever went in for them. And they can travel with as many of these bottles as they want full of these pills and no one can do anything because---its prescribed. Then they generally get a middle man to sale them.

So if you pay 200 dollars for a prescription of 30 plus 100 for the doctors visit. thats 10 bucks a pill. Then you can turn around and resell those pills at 30 or 40 bucks each- thats a 1000 profit. Most dealers have multiple prescriptions or access to them. 30 pills in this area is easily sold in a few hours. Dealers from Florida, South Carolina, etc come to Tennessee often to sale them. The prescriptions are much easier to get their then here. There are thousands of these dealers. They find a connection here. Generally an addict-addicts hang with addicts. So they befriend one that they think they can trust...Hence the middle man. They will give them a few pills for free or give them a cut in the profit. Then the dealers screw themselves by telling the addict how they get these pills.... Then the addict gets their own prescription.

The above are the pictures of what they are selling (roxys and oxys) however roxys are much more popular now. They put a gelling agent into the oxys now. So snorting them makes them gel up-which causes the addict to have to snort water to get it down, which kills the effect, this of course after it takes them almost an hour to be able to sand the pill down because of the gelling agent makes it much more durable. And shooting it up is impossible. So, Roxys it is. Many milligram types. Snortable, smokeable, and shootable. Easy to get, easy to use. User friendly.

The methadone and sumboxon are used my addicts as a substitute for when they are out-dont have enough money for them or whatever. Essentially putting a band aid on a bigger problem. Eases the withdraw effects, but are also addictive in their own right.

The black tar heroin is up there because....These pills are opiates. The same exact drug that is in heroin. However has been reported as being more addictive then heroin.

The man I know on it now takes up to 10-30mg a day--thats actually down from the 15 to 20 he was snorting. At least he was only snorting.....most of his addict "friends" shoot them. EVERYONE he deals with does them, all his coworkers..this shit is everywhere. He is a shell of the man I knew a short 2 years ago. This is all his life involves and all he cares to talk about because this is all he has done everyday since the last day we spoke. I know all of the "secrets" of this scary world. The saddest part to deal with is the fact that he has no desire whatsoever to stop. He has an excuse for every reason to keep using. Even on his way to get his own prescription to save money---excuse. He is convinced he wouldnt be as good at his job without it. Even after I reminded him he wasnt on them when he was at his best. He has lost everything he ever had quickly--include his pride and dignity. He is such an amazing person in so many ways. Such a waste of a good person. He is a slave to this drug now.

As I type this right now he is going through withdraws. As he was on his way to get the scrip with his drug dealer they got pulled over. The cops took the drugs and money and the dealer back to the jail house and let him go. Now he has nothing to get him by. It was all the money he had. I lived through these withdraws with him before, but this time seems way more intense. That probably has something to do with the fact that his body is use to 220 more milligram then last time. Its only day number 1 1/2, he still has 3 more days before he gets paid.

I stayed with him last night. I dont think he really wanted to be alone. His body jerked all night. Uncontrollable strong muscle spasms. Nauseous all morning. Took him to breakfast. He couldnt eat at all. Right now his joints hurt so bad he can barely walk to the restroom. His knees, Elbows, wrist, and hips hurt so bad if he could figure out how to rip them off he would- constant groans of pain. Its heartbreaking. He cant wait to figure out how to get his hands on another one just to stop the pain. Even talking out loud about what he could sale to get money. The only thing he has left is clothes and books and he knows exactly where to go to sell both. He will never make it 3 more days. The hell with 3 days. The effects of these drugs can last 3 years and the addiction battle lasts a lifetime.

I will not walk into this darkness with him. All I can do is stay in the light and hope he comes to me. Hoping at some point maybe he will see that he had an amazing life before these drugs, maybe it will give him reason to at least think about stopping