Tuesday, May 18, 2010


In my days of  loneliness I've found myself frequently having obsessions to fill the void that can last weeks and months at a time until I move onto the next-maybe to keep my craziness in check. It's only a quick fix, but I've realized in the meantime it teaches me alot of things about various subjects.
Here are a few from the past year!

Ha Ha! That's for you Macaroni!!

Deron Williams Is Flat Out the Best Point Guard on Earth
Bleacher Report


We all remember Bow Wow being Lil' well he ain't little no more- and he happens to be an amazing artists that doesn't get the credit he deserves- I've started a revolution in town with is music and most people don't even know who it is--check out his YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/PrinceBowWow

I've always been an avid reader-I pride myself on my book collection-however everything I've ever read have always been biographies, true stories of any type, poems, etc. But somehow i ended up being part of the twilight obsession-MUCH to my surprise! I loved it-I read it 4 times in 2months!
Which in turn also revamped my vampire obsession-I even bought Fangs!

It's not a secret that I'm an avid rap music junky! However I also completely fell in love with Lil' Wayne's brilliance- For many reason's, but the most influential to me is the fact that this man never writes his rhymes down, they sorta just fly out of his $300,000 dollar diamond in crusted mouth- which caused me to listen to millions of his songs and remixes and countless hours on youtube watching his live performances just to see if anything he says makes since or just a bunch of words strung together in a rhythmic fashion. I wondered if it was just the hype of young kids making him so big-nope- he's legit! Weezy even plays guitar!



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