Saturday, June 12, 2010

for the ladies

"Guys are obsessed with the anus. Do you think it's vagina envy?"
-- Fabulana
"Men have called me a man-hater, a feminazi, frigid, a bitch... but in my mind it always translates as "You don't need me to validate your existence, and that scares me." "
-- HBI member, KIM

"...if you're not bleeding, vomiting, or on fire, chill out and stop crying."
"...this is exactly how Nice Guys operate, treating all encounters with women as a form of speed dating and then getting annoyed when it’s revealed that the woman getting coffee was, in fact, actually getting coffee rather than cruisin’ for an emotionally co-dependent shitstorm."
-- Richie at

"Another trip to Home Depot and Canadian Tire. I always get such a kick from the look on guys faces when you are in the tool section or near the fishing supplies. Well nothing beats the automotive section - they look at you like, "what are you doing here?" like you have invaded the tree fort."
-- Cara

"There's a reason it's called 'girls gone wild' and not 'women gone wild'. When girls go wild, they show their tits. When women go wild, they kill men and drown their kids in a tub."
-- Comedian, Louis C.K.

"The only thing I HAVE to do in this life is die. Everything else is a choice with consequences - including breathing."
-- HBI Member, Genie

"Yes, I'm pissed off and most people irritate me. But if people weren't so ignorant, self-absorbed, and down right stupid, I wouldn't be so Bitchy all the time."
-- HBI Member, Devon

"He's rude, controlling, abusive, misogynistic, disparaging and dismissive.... In all seriousness though, what a hideous lust object to mythologize. It'll be teaching all sorts of young girls that it's ROMANTIC to accept any sort of appalling treatment some brooding loser who treats you like dirt."
-- The Morrigan, (describing the romantic lead in "Twilight")

"Since when has being cheap counted as "empowerment"?...Hey, I'm all for getting in touch with the "inner goddess" by pole dancing you're way to "new you", but you can't get lobster thermidore out of a can of tuna. Get a life."
-- -HBI Member, Lola

"If a bunch of guys are calling me a Bitch, I know I must be hitting a nerve, if they start calling me a Heartless Bitch, I know I've got them running scared, but the best part is when they call me a Cold, Heartless Bitch because they know I am someone they will never be able to subjugate."
-- -HBI Member, Dana

"Seriously, just how psychologically crippled do you have to be before shopping for shoes, the socks your husband left in the floor, coloring your hair, and what your neighbors think of you are the biggest things in your whole fucking world?"
-- HBI Member Hazel

"Being a Heartless Bitch isn't about stepping on other people, or reality TV-style sabotage antics. Its about working hard for what you want, and knowing when to stand up for what you deserve. Its not about demoralizing others; its about self-empowerment. Its not about being arrogant; its about displaying your confidence and intellect as a badge of pride. Its not asserting any inherent superiority or self-entitlement, but recognizing your own self-worth and value."
-- Kat D.

"I'll leave a sniveling girly-girl cowering with a glare, but a man? I've offered on several occasions to hold a guy's jockstrap while he tries to figure out where to stick the tampon I've just handed him. "
-- HBI Member Chris

"You better put a condom on - if you're gonna act like a dick you need to dress like one."
-- HBI Member, Robin

"IF I cared, I'd draw you a map of your ass with an X marking the spot where your head is buried."
-- Fabulana

"Hell hath no fury like a Heartless Bitch forced to listen (yet again) to the sighs and moans of another human being complaining about how insurmountable their problems are when they should be out there actually doing something to solve them!"
-- HBI Member, Jules

"I do not have a gym membership, a husband, or a Vogue subscription. I've never been in Bloomingdale's. I refuse to talk on the phone and drive. I'm one of the happiest women I know."
-- HBI Member, Julia

"An over-inflated ego wrapped in an undeserved sense of entitlement earns a first class ticket to the back of the queue."
-- HBI Member, Rachel

"Your piddly assed problem does not compare real tragedy. Here is a straw, suck it up and move along."
-- HBI Member, Inez

"Just because I don't want to fuck you anymore doesn't make me a lesbian. It just makes you an asshole."
-- HBI Member, Rebecca

"When kicking the unworthy to the curb, kick correctly lest they bounce back to you."
-- HBI
 Member, Karen H.

"I believe in the ugly truth rather than the beautiful lie."
-- HBI Member, Cobiwan

"At this point, I don't think she's a heartless bitch; she's a bitter, angry bitch, and that's an energy-burner and, eventually, a soul-destroyer."
-- Instigatrix

"But why does everyone want a fucking medal and a gold star for doing what they SHOULD do? That earns you NOTHING, that is your OBLIGATION. So spare me the pat on your own back. It's just a simple as wiping your ass after you shit, I'm not going to congratulate you for having decency and common sense."
-- Fabulana

"If I had a dick I'd be applauded and called a real man. But I'm a female - so the world calls me a Bitch."
-- HBI Member Sarah

"Hun, your jerk boyfriend is like a bottle of sour milk in the fridge. You don't keep going back and tasting the milk to see if it's better; why do you think that if you give him enough chances, he'll magically become a nice guy?"
-- HBI Member Ann
Don’t fuck with my reality. I’d rather know an ugly truth than be mislead by a pretty lie. Just lay it on out there, say what you mean and don’t paint the turds."
-- HBI Member MisTre

"I strongly object to the primeval notion that women should consider their college years as an opportunity to find a husband. Women, regardless of age, should have an intellectual curiosity that goes beyond wondering if their shoes match their purse."
-- HBI Member, Laura

"You know, having a vagina doesn't make it obligatory for you to breed... Have you considered abortion?"
"I do get called a bitch quite often. What I do NOT get called is pushover, stupid, sweetheart, dear or doormat. Works for me."
-- Rebecca M.

"The trick is not how much pain you feel -but how much joy you feel. Any idiot can feel pain. Life is full of excuses to feel pain, excuses not to live, excuses, excuses, excuses."
-- Erica Jon

"I know the difference between being a Bitch (taking no unwarranted shit) and being an asshole (dishing out unwarranted shit)."

"I've been pissed off by one too many immature, disorganized and emotionally spastic men to take any shit from an f'ing sweetdick BMW-owning engineer. The principle is: Put your balls in your pants and USE THEM."
-- Fabulana

"And oh, the painful attempts at wit. Clearly this guy thinks he's hot shit on a stick with rice. I do agree with the shit part, though, and I definitely have my suspicions about that stick."
-- Instigatrix

"You do learn restraint, though. You can't give in to that motherly urge to smother 'em all in their sleep. In this business it would just mean more work for you the next day."

If he really WANTS to use his head as a butt-plug, maybe you should just, you know, LET him. Perhaps he has a fondness for using santorum as a hair-grooming product."

"Being a Heartless Bitch is never easy. What made you think choosing the path of self-determination was going to be the easy one? This is going to be painful for you. It isn't all spewing poisoned pen notes about your victimized past, sure THAT is easy. What's hard is building a life, and changing yourself. Not him. You. Have. To. Change."
-- Auntie Dote

"Victimhood is not a costume donned to gain attention"
-- Debby

"Because, you know, there's one thing you don't want. It's a woman with her finger on the button who isn't getting laid."
-- Laine Hanson (played by Joan Allen in The Contender)

"I'd rather be despised for my character than liked for my lack of it."
-- Rebecca J.

"Sometimes you have to learn how to open your mouth for more than just giving head."
-- JadeSyren (to a wanna-be HBI applicant)

"When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch."
-- Bette Davis

"I am 'too fiery'... yet I wish to be seen as I am and I would lose all rather than soften away anything."
-- Margaret Fuller
"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass."
-- Maya Angelou

"All alike, you men. You only want the satisfaction of being through with us first, that's all. So far I've had the good fortune of beating you to it. So I am heartless."
-- Greta Garbo, from the movie Inspiration (1931)

"People think at the end of the day that a man is the only answer [to fulfillment]. Actually a job is better for me."
-- Princess Diana

"What worries me the most is that most men are so weak. Because of that they act like they don't care and like machos - because they are too fragile inside. They're scared of confrontation and afraid of so many things."
-- Salma Hayek

"Parroting your spouse and agreeing with everything he/she says is no substitute for, nor is it the same as having a spine of your own. And remember, spines DO bend and move. They aren't rigid. Don't confuse having an iron rod stuck up your ass with having a spine.
-- Liana Trement

"I wanted to make it really special on Valentine's day, so I tied my boyfriend up. And for three solid hours I watched whatever I wanted on TV.
-- Tracy Smith

"He tried to tell me I was too angry, but that always struck me as being more about him than about me. I think I threatened him. And I think it threatens a lot of people when you are angry but even more so when you have a good reason for it."
-- Janet Eldred

"Just remember, when you are going for a younger model, be sure you are picking up a zippy little sportscar and not a Volvo."
-- Henrietta

"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers--you can blame anyone, but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's ALWAYS your fault, because if you wanted to change, you're the one who has got to change. It's as simple as that, isn't it?"
-- Katharine Hepburn

"I used to think 'bad boys' were diamonds in the rough, but then I realized, they were really just lumps of coal."
-- Henrietta Bristow

"Fast? I've had vaccinations that lasted longer than he did."
-- Karen Razersun

"You're so dense you're developing an event horizon from which not even a clue could escape."
-- The No Queen

"You turn that big flashing martyr sign on your head up any brighter and you're going to singe off your pointy little moron head."
-- The No Queen

"Never Grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be"
-- Cynthia Paddleford

"The thing women have got to learn is that nobody gives you power. You just take it."
-- Roseanne Barr

"If you have made mistakes. . . there is always another chance for you. . . You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down but the staying down."
-- Mary Pickford

"I was thought to be 'stuck up.' I wasn't. I was just sure of myself. This is and always has been an unforgivable quality to the unsure."
-- Bette Davis

"Now, now. That eye squinting could be a make-shift beer goggle effect. If he squints his eyes, you might, just might, resemble something less ugly than you are."
-- JadeSyren

"Mom, romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece."
-- Lisa Simpson

"My antagonistic meanspirited attitude is reserved for fuckwits who desperately try to rationalize or otherwise defend what is an unhealthy mindset. Get some therapy."
-- JadeSyren

"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for."
-- Maureen Dowd

"Save a boyfriend for a rainy day. And another, in case it doesn't rain."
-- Mae West

I have no time for those who whine and cry but do not exert themselves to try to actively improve a situation they are unhappy about. "Heartlessness" for a Heartless Bitch does not involve "being uncompassionate," but rather, only giving compassion where compassion is genuinely deserved.

"Slapping might work with TVs and other simple mechanical devices, but if I beat you until you were too ugly for radio, the only thing I'd get is bruised knuckles. You wouldn't be ANY smarter."
-- JadeSyren

"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."
"A heart is the only thing that has value. If you have one, throw it away. "
-- Longbaugh in "The Way of the Gun"
"There is nothing more loathsome than someone who wallows in self-pity. A very repulsive creature that is. It's why it's a SOLO ACTIVITY."
-- JadeSyren
"Principles only mean something if you stick by them when they are inconvenient."

"I like to look good, that makes me a tease. I like to eat, that makes me a pig. I like to get off, that makes me a slut. I like to be treated with respect, that makes me a man-hating dyke. Trust me, I have no problem being labeled a bitch."

"Here's the thing: If you ever get me, you wouldn't have a clue what to do with me."
-- "Maxine", (in "Being John Malkovich")

"You were 30 pounds overweight, and suddenly you have some insight into obesity? I guess when my clit swells, I'll know what it's like to have a dick."
-- JadeSyren

"Heartless it may be, but headless it ain't. I've never claimed to be nice, just to be sensible."

"Trust me, dear, I know depressed. Depressed sure have made me act like an ass, but it never split my face in two. That was a conscious decision on her part, whether either of you want to admit it or not. I have no sympathy for either of you."
-- The No Queen

"The difference between winners and losers is that winners do what losers don't want to do."
-- Phillip C. McGraw

"I don't care if men find it hard to know what women want these days; I don't care if they are angry or frustrated because someone (us) changed the rules while they weren't looking and forgot to send them a goddamned memo. Get used to it, guys. Or get a cat."
-- Victoria

"It's a well-known fact that the Y chromosome is an incomplete version of the X chromosome. It's truncated and has less DNA. Which means that (loosely speaking) men are really just imperfect versions of women."
-- G. Brown

"I have no patience or time for people who wear their insecurities on their sleeves like badges of honour."
-- Nataliep

"I guess he sees it like this: "Since we're just sleeping together, and not actually, 'partners', I'll leave you here alone with your migraine and go to the party without you." So much for compassion, or delaying gratification. For some people, it seems that "um-friends" is just some poly-sanctioned methodology for acting like an ass."
-- Ken C.

"Women who pay their own rent don't have to be nice."
-- Katharine Dunn

I don't need anyone to rectify my existence. The most profound relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves.

"Just because I accept you as you are does not mean that I have given up all hope of your improvement."
-- Ashleigh Brilliant

"Once a woman passes a certain point in intelligence, it is almost impossible to get a husband: she simply cannot go on listening [to men] without snickering."
-- H.L. Mencken

"So fucking what if you're willing to admit you're wrong? Willing to admit it doesn't buy you a "get foot out of mouth free" card."
-- The No Queen

"Every time I say something they find hard to hear, they chalk it up to my anger, and never to their own fear."
-- Ani DiFranco

"I jest, of course; premature ejaculation isn't a laughing matter for anyone, except for your friends when you tell them about it on the phone the next morning. My first marriage ended because the main event was invariably over before my husband got his socks off."
-- Julie Burchill

"I like my agression up front where I can see it and deal with it. I'm tired of the weak-minded passive-aggressive bullshit that people fling while claiming to be "non-confrontational". Anyone who can't confront/address issues head-on isn't someone I care to spend much time in the company of."

"I have no patience for women who cry at the drop of a hat, nor for the men who fall for it."
-- Megan Drip

"I can't take you seriously if your skirt is so short I can see your tampon string."
-- Rachel Goodwin

"How can you say you're misunderstood? You're an idiot-there's not a whole lot that needs understanding there."
-- Isabel
"I tried the subtle guidance thing, more than once, and it just didn't work. If a man isn't strong enough to be honest with me, I'm not going to make an effort to coddle his ego."
-- Ms. Monica

"I'm also starting to believe that men are more in touch with the realities of commitment, and that's why they (for the most part, or the ones I know) avoid making them. My experience with women shows me that they candy-coat the reality of co-habitation."
-- JadeSyren

"Expecting life to treat you well because you are a good person is like expecting an angry bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."
-- Shari R. Barr

"An individualist is a man who says: 'I will not run anyone's life - nor let anyone run mine. I will not rule or be ruled. I will not be a master nor a slave. I will not sacrifice myself to anyone - nor sacrifice anyone to myself.'"
-- Ayn Rand, "Textbook of Americanism"

"I say, I don't care if you want to act like a child -- I'm going to treat you like an adult. Which means that your actions have adult consequences. Pouting and shouting will only make me leave not stay and hug and comfort for irrational and unacceptable behavior. I feel proud/lucky to have never 'trained' a boyfriend. They don't make it past the first date if they're not house-broken."
-- Roethke

"Sometimes a big dick is just that."
-- the morrigan

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

"I WAS going to call you a bastard, but you're too ugly to be a love child!"
-- submitted by FeralCheryl

"Me have an affair? Yeah, like I actually wanna fake orgasm for two men."
-- Anita Monical

"I figure that if the children are alive when I get home, I've done my job."
-- Roseanne

"He thinks he's got some kind of immunity to her headgames? That kind of arrogance is just laughable. I don't care if you are coated in teflon - if shit is being flung and you are anywhere in the vicinity, some of it is going to land on YOU."
-- Tavia

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