Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jada, Tupac & Will Smith

Here's a Poem 2pac Wrote for Jada.....

u R the omega of my heart
The foundation 4 my conception of Love
when I think of what a Black woman should be
it s u that I First think of

u will never fully understand
how Deeply my Heart Feels 4 u
I worry that we ll grow apart
and I ll end up losing u

u bring me 2 climax without sex
and u do it all with regal grace
u R my Heart in Human Form
a Friend I could never replace

How Will and Jada Met:
Will and Jada first met in 1995 when
 she auditioned for the role of Smith's
 girlfriend on "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" 
show. She was turned down
 because she was considered to
 be too short for the part.
Will said that Jada didn't think he 
was funny when they first met. 
"We were together for two years 
before she even laughed at
 something I said! 
She thinks I'm hilarious now, it just took her some time to 
work into it, but we connected intellectually ... We connected
 intellectually and worked into the comedic side."
Will proposed to Jada in November 1997.
Wedding Date:
December 31, 1997.

So I found this so incredibly interesting 
that I couldn't pass it up--- Check this out:

Tupac Shakur, born in New York City in 1971, grew up 
to be widely noted as the greatest rapper in the history 
of the game. His death came prematurely, at the age of 
25, in a very violent fashion. Speculation continues about 
the identity of the true killer, but recently leaked 
government papers suggest that there is little doubt 
as to who had the killing carried out.

Tupac spent his adolescent years in various locales,
 from New York, to Oakland, to Marin City, to Baltimore.
 Though he lived with his single mother in abject poverty,
 his mother scraped and saved enough money for her 
son to attend a relatively upper-crust arts school in
 Baltimore. It was there that Tupac met a woman 
with whom he developed an extraordinarily strong kinship.
 In various interviews and documentaries, Tupac remarks
 repeatedly and enthusiastically on their powerful 
and transcendental relationship. This woman was 
Jada Pinkett, the woman who would go on to be 
the wife of celebrity wannabe Will Smith.

In the early 90s, Will Smith was in the midst of a 
career that seemed destined to rank among the 
shittiest in the industry. He had started off by 
referring to himself with the rather undeservedly regal 
title 'the Fresh Prince.' An obnoxious smartass rapper,
 Will Smith's juvenile anthems against authoritarianism
 went on to be rallying cries for 12 year old white 
suburbanites across the country, and indeed across 
the world. In fact, his song "Parents Just Don't
 Understand" was being pumped from the intercom 
during the grisly assassination of Weird Al Yankovic 
at a Houston night club in 1993. Accordingly, it didn't 
take long for the FBI to open what would eventually
 become a rather large file on Mr. Smith. His dossier, 
which is now reported to be over 3,500 pages in length,
 contains plenty of revealing and sensitive information 
about Smith, and is said to include photographs of his 
atrophied genitalia.

By the mid-1990s, Will Smith's career was beginning to falter.
 His subpar rapping style was dismissed by fans and critics 
alike, and nobody wanted to hear his self-congratulatory 
remarks anymore. Will Smith, it seemed, was an ugly, egotistical, 
washed-up has-been. And while Smith was only a "prince," 
Tupac, was being hailed as rap's new king. Tupac's sales
 figures were huge, and he was loved by audiences, critics, 
and the mass media. He seemed unstoppable. But then, 
in September 1996, Tupac was gunned down in Las Vegas 
after leaving a sold-out Mike Tyson boxing match that 
culminated in Tyson gouging the eyes out of a man
 in the front row after the match.

Immediately after Tupac's death, rumors began
 to circulate about who was responsible for the 
killing. While most fingers were pointed at Biggie Smalls' 
crew at Bad Boy Records, and at Death Row head honcho 
Suge Knight, hardly anyone even considered the idea that 
it was a deed ordered by the jealous and power-hungry 
Will Smith. Smith, it turns out, was seeking the affections 
of Ms. Jada Pinkett, Tupac's best friend from Baltimore.

Jada Pinkett was everything a man like Will Smith could 
ask for; she was smart, talented, beautiful, and full of 
integrity-- everything Will Smith wasn't.

Will was a talentless, self-absorbed slob with an 
embarrassing teeny-bopper rap career shadowing him, 
while Tupac was a rich, charismatic rapper with genuine 
talent, an affable personality, and down-to-earth
grace and charm. As long as this was what he had 
to contend with, Will Smith knew he had no chance
 with Jada. Jada and Tupac's relationship went too far; 
it was too deep, there was too much shared experience, 
and too much mutual respect and affection.

It was in the summer of 1996 when Will Smith began
 speaking with a man FBI files only refer to as Shock-Z
 to plot and plan the assassination of Tupac Shakur. 
It is generally acknowledged that Shock-Z was in
 reality Walter Henderson, a Las Vegas drug dealer 
with a 12 page rap sheet and gunshot scars to match. 
In his meetings with Shock-Z at various seedy restaurants, 
strip clubs, and award presentations, Will Smith began to 
carve out a plan to make sure that his archenemy Tupac
 would never get in the way of him edging his way into
 the life of Jada Pinkett.

Knowing that Tupac was a good friend of Mike Tyson,
 and knowing that the Tyson match was a highly-
anticipated and highly-hyped event, he knew that 
Tupac would be in Las Vegas on the night of 
September 7, 1996. Away from his usual entourage
 and familiar settings, Tupac would have no escape
 from a cold-blooded assassin.

But more than for any other reason, Smith chose the 
Tyson fight due to his ongoing feud with the celebrity
 rapist. It began innocently enough, on Will Smith's 
album And in This Corner, which featured a single entitled 
"I Think I Can Beat Mike Tyson." The song's egotistical 
bent was nothing unusual in Smith's catalog, and he 
rather pathetically rapped about how he could "whoop"
 Tyson. Unfortunately for him, Mike Tyson wasn't behind
 bars yet, and was instead sitting at home in his opulent
 $6.5 million mansion in Catskills, NY, watching MTV and
 lifting 400lb barbells when the video for the song aired.
 Tyson, seeing Smith's call to arms, decided that he 
would show Will Smith a little piece of 'Kid Dynamite.'
 When Smith was filming the video for the song 
"Too Damn Hype," Tyson lept out from a studio 
trailer and beat the living shit out of Smith, 
breaking his jaw in two places, and permanently
 damaging one eye. One stagehand remarked at 
the time that the altercation reminded him of 
"that one scene in the Temple of Doom." Although 
all charges were eventually dropped against Tyson, 
Smith held a grudge; one that he wouldn't have the
 guts to take out on Tyson, but would rather circuitously 
take out on his good friend Tupac Shakur.

According to top-secret FBI files on Will Smith that 
were leaked, Shock-Z handed the job of carrying 
out the killing to a man named Wallace West. 
West was already wanted by the Nevada State 
Highway Patrol for having a broken rear left blinker, 
and was under investigation by the Nevada DMV for
 failure to register his car.

Two weeks before the Tyson fight, West walked into
 Walker's Gun Shop, a firearms store in Victorville, CA 
and purchased a .40 caliber Glock pistol and 600 rounds
 of ammunition. A dated receipt from the shop shows that 
West spent $392.94, nearly a $50 discount from the
 manufacturer's suggested retail price. Marginalia 
on the receipt indicates that a discount coupon from
 LA Weekly offering 10% off was used.

After leaving the gun shop, West drove to Las Vegas, 
where he holed up in the Las Vegas Luxor for the next
 12 days, reportedly subjecting himself to copious 
amounts of crystal meth. Hotel employees later said 
that he spent 11 straight days in the casino, a feat
 not uncommon in the gambling mecca. On the night
 of the shooting, West emerged from the hotel and got 
in a black 1992 Chevy Cavalier, parked 10 minutes away 
from the Las Vegas strip. Will Smith's connection, Shock-Z, 
was in the driver's seat.

After the fight, West (the shooter) and Shock-Z (the driver) 
carefully shadowed Tupac and Suge Knight, who were 
leaving the venue together. At an opportune moment at 
a stoplight, when Tupac was talking to two unidentified
 women, he opened fire, laying 13 rounds into the car.
 Shock-Z hit a right turn and sped off into the Las Vegas

Also in Las Vegas that night was a certain Will Smith.
 Smith told the Las Vegas Police Department that he 
was staking out some rental properties on the east side
 of town, 
in the hopes that he would be able to lease them out, 
but the Las Vegas Police
 Department has released information suggesting that
 Will Smith hardly had enough money in his bank account
 to even buy a vibrating armchair from the Sharper Image
 catalog, much less apartment complexes in a thriving metropolis.

Furthermore, it was discovered that Will Smith had 
transferred over $600,000 in unsold He's the DJ, I'm the
 Rapper CDs to a Swiss record store, who then transferred 
the smuggled goods to stores in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia. 
The assets were frozen by Indonesian authorities pending 
an investigation of possible illegal misconduct. Just
 about when the FBI was about to close in on Smith's 
laundering scheme, the political thriller Independence
 Day starring Will Smith hit theaters. Though
 legitimate movie critics correctly assessed that "ID4", 
as it was commonly known, was a piece of fucking shit, 
the public loved it. Suddenly Will Smith was cock of the 
walk, though most people who knew him acknowledged
 that he was just a cock.

Facing public outcry from Smith's new audience, 
the LVPD, in conjunction with the FBI, ceased the 
investigation of the Tupac assassination and did
 not even file charges against Will Smith, who they
 had plenty of evidence planned the killing. In an 
affadavit signed January 10, 1996, LVPD Commissioner 
Randall Stewart claimed that all paperwork involved 
in the Tupac case had been "misplaced" and the
 investigation had reached a dead end. Two days
 later, the LVPD headquarters received 5,000 free 
copies of DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince's "Summertime" 
CD single.

There's even Facebook
 pages dedicated to it

Displaying all 3 links.
Will Smith killed 2Pac & Biggie
Nick Broomfield 
turns his camera on 
the conspiracy 
surrounding murdered 
rap stars Biggie Smalls
 and Tupac Shakur.

Will Smith killed 2Pac & Biggie



Will Smith killed 2Pac & Biggie

Will Smith killed 2Pac & Biggie 

And so it begins....the truth is to be unravelled

Tupac Shakur, born in New York City in 
1971, grew up to be widely noted as the
 greatest rapper in the history of the 
game. His death came prematurely, 
at the age of 25, in a very violent
 fashion. Speculation ...

December 18, 2009 at 7:14am · Share · Report

On the above stories; not all the facts are

accurate, but it's still sort of a funny ass 
-Following post has more

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