Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pamela Anderson

So many years ago, Pamela Anderson use to write stories for Jane magazine. This particular story took me by surprise, I've kept it all these years-here are the excerpts I've held onto. Considering some of the things we have gone through and are currently going through--it is exceptionally appropriate right now!!

" It's pointless sometimes to do the right thing. All is fair in love & war? There's no handbook or playbook given to everyone at conception. If there is, I slept through that meeting & I'd really like to get my hands on those notes. I think I remember seeing a label on the back of my ex's head as he was walking out the door. It read: WARNING: Contents may be Flammable & Hazardous to your health. Haven't we all felt like that? The stakes are high when all your cards are on the table & in there somewhere is usually the Queen of Hearts,  but as your shuffling the deck & you notice in your cards an Ace of Healthy Kids, A Spade of Wild sex, and a Club of Good Conversation, you better thank the lord you picked a good hand.

 Call me an addict- I'll sport that badge proudly. Addicted to Love, label me crazy. When you're done with the need to categorize me, you simply might find a 36 year old woman who knows what she wants: Fun, Respect, Adoration, & someone who believes a little toe licking never hurt anyone. I admire people who wear their hearts on their sleeves. At least you know what your dealing with from the start. Life's to short to pretend , and anything else then the truth is a waste of time. It's the belief in each other that sets us free and empowers us with the strength to forgive; its to painful and exhausting to hold onto grudges. Time can only make you bitter. Everything is a choice.. I choose Life & Happiness, I choose Love and sex. My eyes are open, fear is no longer a motivator, or the Devil on my shoulder. Freedom.

 I pray for  those who have hurt me. As I realize now, that to inflict pain on someone you must fill your own 10acres as well. Everybody's got a story and hardship is the best teacher. I've seen my share-- I've felt the burn of drugs, alcohol, and money. They're quick fixes for a larger problem. None of it filled their voids. Then it turned on me and I was the bad girl. It took me a while to realize that I'm not a bad girl at all. I'm just not GOD.

It all comes down to the matters of the heart. at some point we have to make the choice to roll-up our sleeves & do the work; we will get dirty & there are no guarantees, but anything less is just self destructive. Love is blind. Sometimes I feel like I'm a blind person who knows she's blind, but keeps walking into holes, and then telling other people not to walk into that hole.

It's like the story of Ophelia, a tortured beauty, driven completely mad by magnetic, bi-polar, indecisive men, who are incapable of committing. We love them, but can't live with or without them. If you find me floating face down in your swimming pool; throw some flowers on me & tell people it was poetic. JUMP ON IN THE WATERS EXHILARATING!!."

Pamela Anderson
Jan/Feb 2004
Jane Magazine

Hope you enjoy'd this as much as I have!!!

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