Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Some of my Favorite Quotes or not so much Quotes--from some of my Favorite people!-

"Don't wish for things you have no control over. Just change them. 
I get scared like everyone else, but I decided a long time ago that my life is mine. 
I have only one. As do you.
So if you give into the demands and fears of others,......
Well, then its no longer yours. I don't choose to do that.
No one's perfect or has all the answers. So, If I follow your mind instead of my own,'
What does that say about my faith in my own sensibilities? 
I like advice, I appreciate others concerns, and I accept others' opinion, 
but the final choice regarding my actions has to be mine.
And so it is and always will be. Therefore if I do make a mistake,
I can blame nobody but myself and it is mine to own. 
And tomorrow is another day."
Me 2004

"With Love, you can take all the precautions you want to protect yourself, but no armor is thick enough to keep it out" Dave Navarro

"The first breakup in a relationship is never a fatal bullet---only a warning shot" Dave Navarro

"Sex leads to affection
Affection lead to attachment
Attachment leads to resentment
resentment leads to hate
hate is the way of the dark side" 

"There's Something about death that is comforting. 
The thought that you could die tomorrow, frees you to appreciate life now"
Angelina Jolie

"Once a person becomes callous and uncaring---a heart breaker--- it seems to me that they become more attractive, especially to a pure heart that self-destructively seeks to be broken" Dave Navarro

"The trouble is not so much dying for a friend, it is finding a friend worth dying for"

"Not only are love and hate such closely related emotions, but its alot easier to hate someone you've cared about 
then someone you never had"

"He saw the hole in my armor and worked his way inside like the corrosive rust the he was" Marilyn Manson

"We didn't so much break-up as push each other away--out of fear, insecurity, doubt, mistrust, self-centerdness, and all those other emotions that wreak havoc on two peoples ability to effectively communicate, especially when those two people are emotionally dependent on each other" Dave Navarro

"For the first time in years I actually felt something for another human being.
I felt the rusty hinges of my heart open and experienced a rush so long repressed the it felt new. Then my head took over and i got scared, slammed the doors of my heart shut" Dave Navarro

"I've got charm. If there's a bunch of people int he room, I'll make everyone feel special.
It feeds me. It's total vampire shit. I'm a total taker. I only give to those who give back.
I could charm my way into any one's pants, heart, or pocketbook" Dave Navarro

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