Thursday, June 24, 2010


Dear "Hip Hop" From your Lil Brother (Doubt)

Doubt- a status between belief and disbelief, involves uncertainty or distrust or lack of sureness of an alleged fact, an action, a motive, or a decision. "People feel as though when people talk bad about me in the press or on other blogs it hurts my feelings. There is not a critic or blogger who comes down hard on me like my own self. " I am my biggest critic".I ask my self everyday "Shad can you sell out the garden again"? "Will your movie out do your last"? If it all ended today, i would be fine. 10 million albums sold combined, 10 top 10 records. 5 #1 hit records, Re energizing the teen market( screaming girls, crying, etc..) i would be fine. I don't complain about my mistakes, i learn and move on and try to get back to what my fans have known me to do. I never feed into what other rappers or my peers in the game say about me if its negative, i'm too focused. Positivity is the key, and thats the road i'm on. I Promise I will get back to making those hits yall love from me, I promise i will make those films yall grew to love. I promise i will not let my fans or the people down. I'm not saying i'm perfect, i've made dumb mistakes. like my drunk tweet, or acting like an ass on BET. GNR.... i'm only 22 going on 23 i'm maturing as we speak. Try to understand i'm doing this in front of the World. i grew up in the limelight, if i date a girl every one knows, if i blow my nose wrong they will talk about. At times its hard but someone has to do it. I feel as if God put me here to do what i do. not rap, or act but entertain and put smiles on the people's faces. Please understand that i will change for the better. I'm learning something new everyday. Hip Hop you are watching your lil brother grow up in this game and take on responsibility. I just woke up this morning feeling the need to write you.

Sincerely, your lil brother Boweezy. " Welcome to the who is Shad Moss Experience".

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