Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hoping you can feel me-By 2Pac to Angela Ardis

Hoping you can feel me

I sit alone and think of u, hoping u can hear me
If i close my eyes before I sleep I can see u clearly
Even where i am now, where everything is dark
I can feel u here beside me, tugging at my heart

Anxiously I wait 2 hear a precious word or 2
Something 2 let me know u feel me as much as I feel u
I take the blame and apologize 4 these nights that Ive denied u
But this gives me time to love your mind before I lay beside u

Let me take away your pain, wipe ur tearz and guide u
lets make love with pen and paper before I come inside u
I hope my words don't sound 2 strong, but passion has no fear
Each breath I breath is Ecstasy that builds through the year

There is no cure 4 what I feel, it's just the pain that ails me
No prescription from the doctors' modern medicine has failed me
and I know this is a lot 2 take, but I mean each word sincerely
these hungry letters, sent with passion, hoping you cane feel me

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