Wednesday, June 30, 2010

— Nick Hornby (High Fidelity)

"People worry about kids playing with guns, and teenagers watching violent videos; we are scared that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobodies worries about kids listening to thousands - literally thousands - of songs about broken hearts and rejection and pain and misery and loss." 
 Nick Hornby (High Fidelity)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Crave by Pablo Neruda

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.
I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,
and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms,
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers.
Thanks to your love a certain fragrance,
risen darkly from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride,
so I love you because I know no other way than this:
where "I" does not exist, nor "you,"
So close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
So close that your eyes close and I fall asleep.

-Pablo Neruda


Lil Wayne recently sat down with Playboy for an inside look on the rappers sex life.

In the interview, Wayne talks about how he stays effective, how old he was his first time and which celebrity he’d like to have sex with the most.
Read segements from interview below:
How old were you when you lost your virginity and what were the circumstances?

WAYNE: I was 11 and the girl was 13. She had every board game you could imagine. I liked board games. We was playing Win Lose or Draw and on the board she wrote, “F*ck me.” Now I was 11, and I didn’t even know it meant “intercourse.” I just knew it was a cuss word, so I was like, “Why is she cussing herself out?” She said, “Do you want to play ‘Press Your Luck’? Well, the game is in my closet.” She had a walk-in closet, so she said, “Go get it, it’s right to the right….” When I walk to the closet she came in and cut the lights off and took off my pants, and I remember my ass was cold up against the wall. I was like, “What the hell!?” When I tried to push her off me, I felt that she was naked also, so I just stepped back and let her do what she do.
Are you good in bed?

WAYNE: I would say what makes me good in bed is that I am not aiming to be good. I am not expecting the chick to be like, “Oh, he was good.” I aim to please and if you do that every single time, I think you’re overall good, period. You don’t have to try and ram it or let me beat it up.
What celebrity would you most like to have sex with?

WAYNE: I’d probably love to have sex with…man, I think she’s dead already. I’d probably want somebody like Marilyn Monroe — somebody that’s been with the president or something. If I had Marilyn Monroe, I would do whatever she asks and whatever she’s never had done to her. And I swear I’d do it good!
Ever had a threesome?

WAYNE: I think the most I’ve done before is five. I don’t do groupies. I am not the groupie type. I am 25 years of age right now and the president and CEO of my own company. Dealing with a groupie was back when I was 15 years of age and when I dropped my first solo album. When I am doing five, it’s usually two that’s used to me and we’ve done this before. They know how to go out and get two or three more girls. They make the other girls’ first time feel better—because that’s a whole hump they gotta get over—because they ain’t worried about you.
What’s the most orgasms you’ve ever had in one 24-hour period?

WAYNE: Ooooh, shit! I’ve been “locked up” with this one chick and when I say “locked up,” I mean locked in a room and she made you go, man! So I probably done it like 10 or six times in 24 hours. That’s one of those days you just stay in the room with the robe on and slippers, no boxers or nothing.
What’s your favorite part of the female anatomy?

WAYNE: The eyes. The eyes are the window of the soul. You look into a woman’s eyes—especially in that moment of having sex or making love—and you can see the truth. You can see if she liked it. That gives you more assurance than a scream, than her clutching you and scratching your back. You look into her eyes and see that she can’t control the bliss that you’re putting on her. I love that. That’s better than a bitch telling me she’s coming!
Do you know how many women you have slept with in your life?

WAYNE: You know something real funny, I am not gonna tell you the answer to that. But I promise to God when I tell ya—I’ve never lost count. I will never tell anyone the count, but I never lost count and that’s on my daddy’s soul. I got it documented and it’s my secret. It’s just in my head. I remember it like music to me. I’ve been doing it to someday say that I’ve been with this many women and I have nothing, no disease. I just want to show that you can have that much sex and be able to protect yourself that damn much.

More Lil' Wayne Quotes

They say I couldn't play football, I was too small. They say I couldn't play basketball, I wasn't tall. They say I couldn't play baseball at all. And now everyday of my life I BALL!

I'm the cashier, I change girls.
Take the shoes off your teeth and stop running your mouth

My name ain't Bic but I keep that flame.

Okay you're a goon but whats a goon to a goblin.

it ain't trickin if you got it, but you're like a bitch with no ass, you aint got shit

Call me whatcha want, I dont give a finger in the middle

My fuckup is a perfect mistake, I'm great

I'm lookin like a star bitch, when you see me make a wish

I shoot first, ask questions later, then I read the answers in the newspaper
what is to love,must endure pain
life is a movie,let love play its role.
Baby i can bless you when you aint even sneezin.
if love is everywhere,i'll never end up in the middle of nowhere
I can have you dreaming when you aint even sleepin
love is a circle....stay in it or around it.......just dont end up out of shape.

Lu©k happens wen preparation meets happens wen I meet u.
trying to spend my love wisely
Safe sex is great sex better wear a latex cause you dont want that late text that "i think im late" text
Love is a beautiful lie which most prefer when the truth hurts.
love hard.
born to love,so i'll die without.
love is the key,open up.
for i am only a lovebird...."please don't shoot me down
You can love me or hate me, I swear it wont make me or break me

love,i am your shadow.
if its held in your heart,u kant let go.
I dont want a broken heart cause I'll lose all the parts
aint it funny how love finds you in your darkest place.....?
My name like honey got a lot bitches buzzin

I'm probably in the sky, flying with the fishes, or maybe in the ocean, swimmin with the pigeons see my world is different, like dwayne wayne & if you want trouble b*tch I want the same thang

The shit you hear about me might be true, but then again it could be as fake as the bitch who told you

iz it betta 2 b believed r believed in? wen ive ben told im unbelievable.but it takes more effort 2 believe than 2 kill;dont kill yo beliefs

when i started flirtin with the hustle, failure became my ex. now im engaged to the game
and married to success

Got my tank top top down, it probably aint summer but I ride like that cause I'm hotter than the others
Don't compare me cause there ain't nobody near me

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jada, Tupac & Will Smith-update

Jada Pinkett dropped by the WJLB Morning Show with Coco, Foolish & Mr. Chase yesterday morning to promote the new season of Hawthorne. While there, she dropped some jewels on everything from her relationship with Tupac Shakur to her rumored open marriage to Will Smith. Here are a few excerpts:
On her relationship with Tupac Shakur:
“Pac and I were never in a romance but I feel as though we had those feelings. It was more of a “platonic romance” between each other. We knew us being together in a romantic way would destroy everything because we were both fire. We would burn everything up! So we knew in order to preserve our relationship there was no way we could ever add romance to it cause we probably would’ve killed each other!”
On her rumored open marriage to Will Smith
We always have people that we’re attracted to that we talk about. That don’t stop just because your married. Somebody’s always gonna catch your eye. That’s real. Somebody’s gonna always be prettier than me, and somebody’s always gonna be more in awe of him than me, and he gonna be like *in Will’s voice* ‘yo she really like me’ (laughter) but as far as somebody being right for us… is there somebody right for a nice night? Maybe. But somebody that can sustain our life and sustain what we’ve built together, absolutely not!
Listen to the entire interview here
I’m still on the fence when I hear celebs talk about this open marriage thing. Whatever works for you and yours I guess. Honesty is key…

Friday, June 25, 2010

DJ Pauly D

So I just have to say--If it wasn't for that god awful haircut--he'd be damn near perfect. I really hope someone crazy bitch shaves his head in his sleep!

PaulydPauly DPauly DelVecchio
Ok--had to get that off my chest and say it outloud! thank you

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lil Wayne On Drugs Come Up DVD 17 pt1

Nicki Minaj is the interviewer-this interview was done in Jan 2009 I think-1 of 5

Lil Wayne On Drugs Come Up DVD 17 pt2

Lil Wayne On Drugs Come Up DVD 17 pt3

Lil Wayne On Drugs Come Up DVD 17 pt3

Lil Wayne On Drugs Come Up DVD 17 pt4

Lil Wayne On Drugs Come Up DVD 17 pt5

Football players vs. Basketball players

So I had this conversation with a woman the other day, that made me wonder something. I had mentioned how distraught I was about the NBA season being over and having to wait a couple months before the next season and she was talking about how she wished NFL would restart too. Her comments were, "I don't know why you watch that stupid shit, if I'm gonna watch a sport the man better be in tight pants instead of those god awful baggy shorts". Now this isn't the first time that I have heard women say that, but seriously are you bitches even looking-because there all padded and cupped up; its not like you can see shit--just sayin'.I didn't argue because you can't argue with ignorance- I'm not watching basketball because of the men. I only notice that part when the game sucks.....

Nick Sorensen and David Garrard
So what exactly is it that they are looking at?
Compared too.....
Top 50 NBA Basketball Players of All TimeKarl MaloneCount the helpless defenders in this picture.allen-iverson.jpgHoward's athleticism and effiency were on full display during Orlando's clinching Game 6 win.bron-bron1lebron-james 45michael-jordan
Need I Say More?

I win!

look what i found keesha

Again--my Nigga

She Doesn't Turn You On Anymore

"She doesn't turn you on anymore"
Long-term relationships have the annoying habit of making people lazy. No longer concerned with staying fit and attractive, a committed woman might lose the allure she once had. Her man may simply not find her beautiful anymore, and making love to her is not as stirring as it once was. This is why most mistresses are gorgeous, young women. ==> Thoughts on this story?

This is too good Bow

Why does it matter? "The Jealous Woman"

I've noticed over my 22 years of living that yes women can be difficult, and i call myself a ladies man thinking i have them figured out. But as men we will never understand women. One thing i cant get a grip on is why do women get mad if they hear you are sleeping or talking to another woman if she doesn't belong to you? Is it because we had sex and u feel like we have something? do you feel i belong to you? if we don't have an understanding then why do you want to know where am i? why are you getting mad when you see me out at the club with other girls? I don't mean to sound mean but.. WE ARE NOT TOGETHER WE JUST HAD SEX THATS IT!!! gnr so ladies i ask... is it a territorial thing? just because you had sex with this man makes it feel ok to act out as a girlfriend? or is it that you like this man, and want him to change and settle down because YOU feel thats best. Or maybe thats just what you want. Answers from both Men and Women...... S.moss


Dear "Hip Hop" From your Lil Brother (Doubt)

Doubt- a status between belief and disbelief, involves uncertainty or distrust or lack of sureness of an alleged fact, an action, a motive, or a decision. "People feel as though when people talk bad about me in the press or on other blogs it hurts my feelings. There is not a critic or blogger who comes down hard on me like my own self. " I am my biggest critic".I ask my self everyday "Shad can you sell out the garden again"? "Will your movie out do your last"? If it all ended today, i would be fine. 10 million albums sold combined, 10 top 10 records. 5 #1 hit records, Re energizing the teen market( screaming girls, crying, etc..) i would be fine. I don't complain about my mistakes, i learn and move on and try to get back to what my fans have known me to do. I never feed into what other rappers or my peers in the game say about me if its negative, i'm too focused. Positivity is the key, and thats the road i'm on. I Promise I will get back to making those hits yall love from me, I promise i will make those films yall grew to love. I promise i will not let my fans or the people down. I'm not saying i'm perfect, i've made dumb mistakes. like my drunk tweet, or acting like an ass on BET. GNR.... i'm only 22 going on 23 i'm maturing as we speak. Try to understand i'm doing this in front of the World. i grew up in the limelight, if i date a girl every one knows, if i blow my nose wrong they will talk about. At times its hard but someone has to do it. I feel as if God put me here to do what i do. not rap, or act but entertain and put smiles on the people's faces. Please understand that i will change for the better. I'm learning something new everyday. Hip Hop you are watching your lil brother grow up in this game and take on responsibility. I just woke up this morning feeling the need to write you.

Sincerely, your lil brother Boweezy. " Welcome to the who is Shad Moss Experience".


Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Ever Dream?"

I know i do. I say this because sometimes i feel as if what I'm doing does not make me happy. I starting out playing ball before i became famous. My number 1 goal was to go to Duke and play ball for Coach K. Now I'm not complaining, but thats why i chose to use this picture as the pic for this subject. Because in that specific picture, I'm living out a dream. So I'm here to say, what ever it is in life you want to do just believe. Set a goal and tell yourself you can achieve. No matter how many people say you cant, tell yourself you can. I get hated on everyday (blogs, hip hop critics, hollywood) but it does not stop me from getting what i feel is mine, and that is SUCCESS! Now get you some SUCCESS. Remember Dream BIG!